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Current Life Issues

defending life from conception to natural death

Looking to make a difference?

Join us as we work together to promote the values that are important to our faith at both the state and national levels. Together, we can speak out in support of human life and dignity, religious freedom, the family, economic justice, social services and social justice.

Let your voice be heard!

Through the advocacy networks listed below, you can stay informed by receiving public policy updates and communicate easily with your elected officials about legislation that matters to you. When a critical issue arises that requires your voice, you will receive an email with helpful background information asking you to contact those officials. It’s free and easy, so sign up today!

USCCB Action

The USCCB has created a user friendly page to simplify your communication with legislators when it’s time to take action. Sign up for alerts directly from the United States Catholic Bishops Conference – Action Center. Find your local officials, look for specific bills and more!

Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network (I-CAN)

The Catholic Conference of Illinois is here to serve you and our Church. Stay informed on issues affecting the Church and her mission by signing up to receive updates. You can choose to receive regular email updates on a variety of topics that interest you, pre-written messages on urgent issues you can email to your elected representatives, and alerts to update you on the status of advocacy items. Sign up to receive Action Alerts.

LiFE Office Flocknotes

Want to be a prayer partner or receive action alerts directly from the Life & Family Evangelization Office? Let us know and we’ll aid you to our Flocknote lists.

Human Life Action

Human Life Action believes in the inherent dignity of every life and the power of every American to raise his or her voice in defense of the vulnerable. When thousands upon thousands of people of good will raise their voices as one we are heard on Capitol Hill. Sign up to receive NATIONAL Action Alerts.

Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn, and the poor are masterpieces of God's creation - made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.

– Pope Francis

Opposing Assisted Suicide

The 103rd General Assembly of the Illinois legislature is considering legislation to legalize physician assisted suicide. Catholic teaching affirms that human life is a gift from God, and the preservation of life is a moral imperative. The Church calls for compassionate care and support for those facing terminal illness, promoting a culture of life and respect for the sanctity of human existence.


Supporting Pregnancy Care Centers

Crisis pregnancy centers provide valuable services to parents in need, often low-income and marginalized women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Pro-choice advocates are trying to block these pro-life centers from doing their good work.

Parental Rights

How is the State of Illinois removing parents from the upbringing of their own children? Parents no longer need to be notified if their minor child is about to undergo an abortion. 

parental rights- parenting resources
current issues - supreme court

Dobbs vs Jackson Women's Health Organization

A case before the Supreme Court. The decision will determine whether all pre-viability bans on elective abortions are constitutional or unconstitutional

This decision could greatly impact future state laws that affect families, men, women, the unborn, and all of society.

PRAY! The greatest thing we can do is to wrap this court case in prayer. The USCCB is sponsoring the Pray for Dobbs campaign. Learn more here

On Friday June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court held that abortion is not a constitutional right.

Hyde Amendment

A law that keeps tax payers from funding elective abortions.

This amendment not only protects women and the unborn but also your participation in funding abortion.

Sign the petition on 

Pray for the men and women in congress, that their minds may be opened and their hearts may be softened so the Holy Spirit may enter.

current issues - capitol

Parental Notification

Currently, our state’s commonsense Parental Notice of Abortion Act (PNA) law requires that if someone brings a minor girl for an abortion, one parent, guardian or other adult family member must be notified 48 hours before the abortion is performed. Exceptions are made for girls in extenuating circumstances, such as in situations of abuse at home. 

Looking to make a difference? Let your voice be heard!

Join us as we work together to promote the values that are important to our faith at both the state and national levels. Together, we can speak out in support of human life and dignity, religious freedom, the family, economic justice, social services and social justice.

Through the advocacy networks listed below, you can stay informed by receiving public policy updates and communicate easily with your elected officials about legislation that matters to you. When a critical issue arises that requires your voice, you will receive an email with helpful background information asking you to contact those officials. It’s free and easy, so sign up today!

National Issues

Human Life Action believes in the inherent dignity of every life and the power of every American to raise his or her voice in defense of the vulnerable. When thousands upon thousands of people of good will raise their voices as one we are heard on Capitol Hill. Sign up to receive Action Alerts.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – Action Center

State of Illinois

Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network (I-CAN) – The Catholic Conference of Illinois is here to serve you and our Church. Stay informed on issues affecting the Church and her mission by signing up to receive updates. You can choose to receive regular email updates on a variety of topics that interset you, pr-written messages on urgent issues you can email to your elected representatives, and alerts to update you on the status of advocacy items. Sign up to receive Action Alerts.


Ethically Speaking – A regular column by by Fr. Ken Wasilewski, Diocesan Ethicist, that appears in The Observer.

Ethics & Medics – A monthly newsletter on current events and fascinating topics published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Check back each month to read the most current issue!

Bioethics & Public Policy Report – A bimonthly report prepared by the National Catholic Bioethics Center on current  trends and developments at the legislative and judicial level impacting the dignity of the human person. Check back on the 1st and 15th of each month to read the most current report!