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SB 1909 – Pro-life Victory

SB 1909 Defeated

The Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act has been defeated.

The bill (SB1909) originally passed both houses of the Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law in 2023. Thanks to the Thomas More Society, the Illinois Attorney General agreed in late 2023 to a permanent injunction blocking enforcement of the law.

This act would have endangered the important services offered by pregnancy centers in the state often to low-income and vulnerable pregnant women. It would have unconstitutionally forced these pro-life centers to refer women for abortion. 

Crisis pregnancy centers provide no-cost services like pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, sexually transmitted disease testing. The pro-life centers form relationships with couples who have an unplanned pregnancy. They offer financial and material support, family and parenting education, post-abortion counseling, and spiritual support and prayer.


House Voting Record on SB 1909 from May 10, 2023:
2023 May 10 House Voting Record SB1909

Senate Voting Record on SB 1909 for March 31, 2023:
SB 1909 March 31 2023 Senate Voting Record 10300SB1909_03312023_007000T

Catholic Conference of Illinois – Fact Sheet on SB 1909: 


To find your state legislature, visit the Catholic Conference of Illinois:

Please continue to pray for your legislators as well as for the organizations that are actively opposing the sanctity of human life. this legislation. May pregnant mothers in crisis feel the warmth of God’s love and may they choose life! May we each have the courage to speak out for the sanctity of human life!

For more information, contact [email protected].


Thank you!