The Rockford Diocese
invites you to the
10th National Eucharistic Congress


July 17–21, 2024
Lucas Oil Stadium
Indianapolis, Indiana
Laypeople, Clergy, & Religious

The First National Eucharistic
Congress in 83 Years

This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ will be there. Will you?

The Diocese of Rockford encourages parishes, youth groups, schools, families, and individual parishioners to travel on pilgrimage to the 10th National Eucharistic Congress!

Are you traveling to Indianapolis for the Congress?

Yes! I am traveling on my own or with my family or with a parish or other group, and we have already purchased tickets for the Congress and made travel arrangements.

  • The Diocese of Rockford wants to stay in touch with our parishioners who are traveling to Indianapolis. To help us stay in communication with you as a pilgrim to the Congress, text ROCKFORDNEC to 84576. You will be placed on a Flocknote email/text list to receive news.
  • If you have any questions about your pilgrimage, we are happy to help. Contact the Diocese of Rockford’s Life and Family Evangelization Office at [email protected].

I would love to be part of the diocesan pilgrimage if spots are still available!

  • If you are interested in traveling as part of the official diocesan pilgrimage from Rockford, please contact the LiFE Office for details at [email protected].

Help! I or my group want to go to the Congress but do not know where to begin.

  • Visit the Congress website at: Review the schedule, pass options, and housing and travel information.
  • Start the conversation at your parish, school, or youth group if you would like to organize a small group to attend the Congress. Be sure to check in with your pastor. You can organize this trip all on your own without diocesan assistance. But if you do plan to attend, remember to join the Flocknote list above for all diocesan parishioners traveling to Indianapolis.
  • If you cannot find answers to your questions on the Congress website or need additional help, please feel free to contact the Diocese of Rockford’s Life and Family Evangelization Office at [email protected] to share your questions and concerns. We may be able to help you with the first steps to travel individually or as a parish community.

Connect to the Eucharistic Congress
through Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Four Eucharistic Caravans will walk across the United States, meeting in Indianapolis in time for the start of the National Eucharistic Congress. The route closest to the Diocese of Rockford is the Marian Route.

Pilgrims on the Marian Route will carry Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament from Minnesota, through Wisconsin and Illinois, and meet up with the other three Pilgrimage routes in Indianapolis.